Frequently Asked Questions
Many questions arise when considering and comparing procedures and outcomes available with plastic and reconstructive surgery. The following are more common concerns and frequently asked questions from our patients over the years.
Where do you perform plastic surgery procedures?
It depends on the procedure. Injections and other procedures not requiring anesthesia can be done in our offices. More complicated surgical procedures require a hospital admission. Our staff can work with you to select the most appropriate setting for your procedure based on your location, insurance coverage and post-operative recovery plans.

Will my insurance cover my surgery?
In some cases, yes. However, most elective cosmetic procedures are not covered by typical insurance plans. Our staff can help you contact your insurance provider to determine the extent of your coverage. We can also show you payment plans our practice makes available to patients who must pay out-of-pocket.
Do you use local anesthesia or full anesthesia?
Generalovich Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery places an extremely high value on both patient safety and pain management. You will be included in the discussion of what anesthesia plan is best for your health status and selected procedure.

Other FAQ’s
Can I contact you directly for a consultation or do I need a referral from my doctor?
Because many of our procedures are elective, you are free to contact us directly to schedule an appointment. Your physician is also welcome to contact us to refer you. Either way, we will need access to your current medical records so we may provide the best possible care based on your health status.
Is my plastic surgery safe?
All surgery involves some level of risk. You will be fully informed of any possible risks associated with your procedure. Your safety is best served through the use of highly qualified, skilled and experienced surgeons such as ours. We are committed to patient safety and will use all available means to provide you with the best possible outcome.
Can you guarantee I will not have a scar?
Unfortunately, no. If you have a procedure that involves an incision, scarring is a possibility. We do, however, have several techniques and treatments to minimize or eliminate scarring. We will be happy to discuss those with you.
I live in the area and don’t want people I know to know about my surgery. Can you help with that?
Yes. Your medial privacy is guaranteed by law. Our staff cannot discuss your care with anyone without your permission.
Contact us to request a consultation.